What makes people happy? What is the difference between happy people and unhappy people? They have different habits – they work and think differently. It does not matter whether you are rich or poor, whether you do a Lamborghini or …
Self Care
10 TIPS To Overcome Laziness
It happens to all of us. Sometimes, we just don’t feel like doing anything, be it work, chores, or whatever… it’s easier to chill out, relax, and forget about responsibilities. But what if this turns into a habit, and things …
Do not forget to laugh–it will lighten up your whole day…
Laughter is considered the best medicine – preventive as well as curative. Smiling relaxes our facial muscles. When we are happy and laugh, “feel-good chemicals” like endorphins and serotonin are released. That is the reason for laughter improves our mood …
Power Up Your Day: How to Get More Energy Naturally
Two years ago I suffered from low-grade chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. So energy is now a precious commodity to me. Health issues are one thing, but there are some other energy zappers and power parasites we can look at. Have …
7 Tips To Stay Happy No Matter What Happens
Sorrow is because of dependency. Happiness is not dependent on “anything,” or “anyone,”. “We keep delaying our happiness until things are just right in our life. Happiness is only possible when we can accept everyone as they are, at every …