Showing: 8 - 14 of 15 RESULTS

How To Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself : Self-pity

How To Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Self-pity is one of the most potent ways to undermine your happiness and progress in life. When you wallow in self-pity, you give yourself an excuse to give up, feel victimized, and avoid responsibility. You allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself instead of …

How Positive Thoughts Makes You Healthy and Successful?

The quality of our overall life is determined by how we feel, moment-to-moment. So one of our most important goals should be to use positive affirmations and all psychological positive thinking techniques available to keep ourselves thinking and talking about what we …

Effects Of Thoughts On Mind And The Body

Effects Of Thoughts On The Mind And The Body

What’s your default reaction to stressful situations? Do you tend to automatically think that everything will be okay, or do you immediately start to imagine all the things that could go wrong? If it’s the latter, then you may be …